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28,500 students approaching the basis of bertsolaritza

Oct 16, 2019
The association Bertsozale Elkartea will offer bertsolaritza lessons in more than 400 centres thanks to its staff of 50 teachers. In recent years, a great progress has been made training teachers and creating teaching material.

The project to teach bertsolaritza at schools is constantly growing. In this coming course, the number of students who will take bertsolaritza lessons in regulated education has increased. A total of 28,500 students and 50 teachers will participate in the 463 centers spread over 213 towns in the Basque Country; as usual, public and religious centres and ikastolas (private Basque schools, part of the association Ikastolen Elkartea) will participate in the project.

Lately, a great effort has been made training teachers and creating school material. On the one hand, teachers are being trained with the methodology of reflective training which leads them to be more aware of the work developed by each group in the classroom. On the other hand, we have been using website since last year, and providing it with new material during the course.

Besides, as every year, there will be festivals, special events and end-of-year performances as well as leisure activities: summer camps, stays of several days, competitions ...